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Страница интерфейса MediaWiki

Замечание: Возможно, после публикации вам придётся очистить кэш своего браузера, чтобы увидеть изменения.

  • Firefox / Safari: Удерживая клавишу Shift, нажмите на панели инструментов Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5 или Ctrl+R (⌘+R на Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Нажмите Ctrl+Shift+R (⌘+Shift+R на Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Удерживая Ctrl, нажмите Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5
  • Opera: Нажмите Ctrl+F5.
/* Размещённый здесь код JavaScript будет загружаться пользователям при обращении к каждой странице */
/* ==importArticles== (Y00)*/
// Imports scripts from other pages/wikis.
// NOTE: importAricles() is currently broken.

window.importScripts = function(pages) {
    if (!Array.isArray(pages)) {
        pages = [pages];

    pages.forEach(function(v) {
        var wiki;
        var match = v.match(/^(?:u|url):(.+?):(.+)$/);
        (match|| []).shift();
        wiki = wiki || mw.config.get('wgServer').replace('https://', '').replace('.fandom.com', '');
        match = match || v;
            url: 'https://' + (Array.isArray(match) ? match[0] : wiki) + '.fandom.com/ru/wiki/' + (Array.isArray(match) ? match[1] : match) + '?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript',
            dataType: "script",
            cache: true,
        }).then(function() {
            console.log(v + ': Imported Successfuly!');

$( function() {

( function() {
	var $content = $( '#mw-content-text' );
	var advanceFrame = function( parentElem, parentSelector ) {
		var curFrame = parentElem.querySelector( parentSelector + ' > .animated-active' );
		$( curFrame ).removeClass( 'animated-active' );
		var $nextFrame = $( curFrame && curFrame.nextElementSibling || parentElem.firstElementChild );
		return $nextFrame.addClass( 'animated-active' );
	// Set the name of the hidden property
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	setInterval( function() {
		if ( hidden && document[hidden] ) {
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			if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'animated-paused' ) ) {
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			if ( $nextFrame.hasClass( 'animated-subframe' ) ) {
				advanceFrame( $nextFrame[0], '.animated-subframe' );
		} );
	}, 2000 );
}() );

 * Pause animations on mouseover of a designated container (.animated-container and .mcui)
 * This is so people have a chance to look at the image and click on pages they want to view.
$( '#mw-content-text' ).on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', '.animated-container, .mcui', function( e ) {
	$( this ).find( '.animated' ).toggleClass( 'animated-paused', e.type === 'mouseenter' );
} );

// A work around to force wikia's lazy loading to fire
	$(".animated .lzy[onload]").load();
}, 1000);

} );
( function() {
	var escapeChars = { '\\&': '&#38;', '<': '&#60;', '>': '&#62;' };
	var escape = function( text ) {
		// "\" must be escaped first
		return text.replace( /\\\\/g, '&#92;' )
			.replace( /\\&|[<>]/g, function( char ) { return escapeChars[char]; } );
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		'mouseenter.minetip': function( e ) {
			var $elem = $( this ), title = $elem.attr( 'data-minetip-title' );
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				if ( title !== undefined ) {
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					$elem.attr( 'data-minetip-title', title );
			// No title or title only contains formatting codes
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				// Find deepest child title
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					if ( childElem.hasAttribute( 'title' ) ) {
						childTitle = childElem.title;
					childElem = childElem.firstChild;
				} while( childElem && childElem.nodeType === 1 );
				if ( childTitle === undefined ) {
				// Append child title as title may contain formatting codes
				if ( !title ) {
					title = '';
				title += $.trim( childTitle.replace( /&/g, '\\&' ) );
				// Set the retrieved title as data for future use
				$elem.attr( 'data-minetip-title', title );

				//если вместо названия ссылка на файл, то убираем данные о названии мода
				if ( title.charAt(4) === ':' ) {
					$elem.removeAttr( 'data-modinfo-text' );
			if ( !$elem.data( 'minetip-ready' ) ) {
				// Remove title attributes so the native tooltip doesn't get in the way
				$elem.find( '[title]' ).addBack().removeAttr( 'title' );
				$elem.data( 'minetip-ready', true );
			if ( title === '' ) {
			var content = '<span class="minetip-title">' + escape(title) + '&r';

			var lowtitle = $.trim( $elem.attr( 'data-minetip-lowtitle' ) );
			if ( lowtitle ) {
				content += '<br><span class="minetip-lowtitle">' + escape(lowtitle) + '&r</span>';
			content += '</span>';
			var description = $.trim( $elem.attr( 'data-minetip-text' ) );
			var modinfo = $.trim( $elem.attr( 'data-modinfo-text' ) );

			if ( description || modinfo ) {
				content += '<span class="minetip-description">'
				if ( description ) {
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					content += description.replace( /\//g, '<br>' ) + '&r';
				if ( description && modinfo ) {
					content += '<br>';
				if ( modinfo ) {
					content += '<span class="minetip-modinfo">' + escape(modinfo) + '&r</span>';
				content += '</span>';

			// Add classes for minecraft formatting codes
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				content = content.replace( /&([0-9a-fl-o])(.*?)(&r|$)/g, '<span class="format-$1">$2</span>&r' );
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			content = content.replace( /&r/g, '' );
			$tooltip = $( '<div id="minetip-tooltip">' );
			$tooltip.html( content ).appendTo( 'body' );
			// Cache current window and tooltip size
			winWidth = $win.width();
			winHeight = $win.height();
			width = $tooltip.outerWidth( true );
			height = $tooltip.outerHeight( true );
			// Trigger a mouse movement to position the tooltip
			$elem.trigger( 'mousemove', e );
		'mousemove.minetip': function( e, trigger ) {
			if ( !$tooltip.length ) {
				$( this ).trigger( 'mouseenter' );
			// Get event data from remote trigger
			e = trigger || e;
			// Get mouse position and add default offsets
			var top = e.clientY - 34;
			var left = e.clientX + 14;
			// If going off the right of the screen, go to the left of the cursor
			if ( left + width > winWidth ) {
				left -= width + 36;
			// If now going off to the left of the screen, resort to going above the cursor
			if ( left < 0 ) {
				left = 0;
				top -= height - 22;
				// Go below the cursor if too high
				if ( top < 0 ) {
					top += height + 47;
			// Don't go off the top of the screen
			} else if ( top < 0 ) {
				top = 0;
			// Don't go off the bottom of the screen
			} else if ( top + height > winHeight ) {
				top = winHeight - height;
			// Apply the positions
			$tooltip.css( { top: top, left: left } );
		'mouseleave.minetip': function() {
			if ( !$tooltip.length ) {
			$tooltip = $();
	}, '.minetip, .grid > .item, .invslot-item' );
}() );
$(function() {
'use strict';
(window.updateTooltips = function() {
	var escapeChars = { '\\&': '&#38;', '<': '&#60;', '>': '&#62;' };
	var escape = function(text) {
		// "\" must be escaped first
		return text.replace(/\\\\/g, '&#92;')
			.replace(/\\&|[<>]/g, function(char) { return escapeChars[char]; });
	var $tooltip = $();
	var $win = $(window), winWidth, winHeight, width, height;
		'mouseenter.minetip': function(e) {
			var $elem = $(this), title = $elem.attr('data-minetip-title');
			if (title === undefined) {
				title = $elem.attr('title');
				if (title !== undefined) {
					title = $.trim(title.replace(/&/g, '\\&'));
					$elem.attr('data-minetip-title', title);
			// No title or title only contains formatting codes
			if (title === undefined || title !== '' && title.replace(/&([0-9a-fl-or])/g, '') === '') {
				// Find deepest child title
				var childElem = $elem[0], childTitle;
				do {
					if (childElem.hasAttribute('title')) {
						childTitle = childElem.title;
					childElem = childElem.firstChild;
				} while(childElem && childElem.nodeType === 1);
				if (childTitle === undefined) {
				// Append child title as title may contain formatting codes
				if (!title) {
					title = '';
				title += $.trim(childTitle.replace(/&/g, '\\&'));
				// Set the retrieved title as data for future use
				$elem.attr('data-minetip-title', title);
			if (!$elem.data('minetip-ready')) {
				// Remove title attributes so the native tooltip doesn't get in the way
				$elem.data('minetip-ready', true);
			if (title === '') {
			var content = '<span class="minetip-title format-7">&7' + escape(title) + '&r</span>';
			var description = $.trim($elem.attr('data-minetip-text'));
			if (description) {
				// Apply normal escaping plus "/"
				description = escape(description).replace(/\\\//g, '&#47;');
				content += '<span class="minetip-description format-7">&7' + description.replace(/\//g, '<br>') + '&r</span>';
			// Add classes for minecraft formatting codes
			while (content.search(/&[0-9a-fl-o]/) > -1) {
				content = content.replace(/&([0-9a-fl-o])(.*?)(&r|$)/g, '<span class="format-$1">$2</span>&r');
			// Remove reset formatting
			content = content.replace(/&r/g, '');
			$tooltip = $('<div id="minetip-tooltip">');
			// Cache current window and tooltip size
			winWidth = $win.width();
			winHeight = $win.height();
			width = $tooltip.outerWidth(true);
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			// Trigger a mouse movement to position the tooltip
			$elem.trigger('mousemove', e);
		'mousemove.minetip': function(e, trigger) {
			if (!$tooltip.length) {
			// Get event data from remote trigger
			e = trigger || e;
			// Get mouse position and add default offsets
			var top = e.clientY - 34;
			var left = e.clientX + 14;
			// If going off the right of the screen, go to the left of the cursor
			if (left + width > winWidth) {
				left -= width + 36;
			// If now going off to the left of the screen, resort to going above the cursor
			if (left < 0) {
				left = 0;
				top -= height - 22;
				// Go below the cursor if too high
				if (top < 0) {
					top += height + 47;
			// Don't go off the top of the screen
			} else if (top < 0) {
				top = 0;
			// Don't go off the bottom of the screen
			} else if (top + height > winHeight) {
				top = winHeight - height;
			// Apply the positions
			$tooltip.css({ top: top, left: left });
		'mouseleave.minetip': function() {
			if (!$tooltip.length) {
			$tooltip = $();
	}, '.minetip, .invslot-item');
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